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Tuesday, 08 January 2008


David Brain

The ability to write your own obituary is an odd thing however you look at it.


it strikes me as a mainstream way of using technology to do what great men have always done, using their obits and memoirs to manage their historical reputation (cf., Churchill, Winston) (which, incidentally we'll all have to consider since this blog post will be kept forever somewhere online for posterity, no?)

i recently read an article about services that offer this. i can't recall where i read it, but here is one of the services they mentioned: http://mylastemail.com/


you read lots of stories about parents signing onto their kid's myspace after they die and being overwhelmed by the reams of condolence comments. it's all quite eerie...




Lee, that link that you sent through looks oddly like a corporate hospitality site!

In a way I quite like the idea of being able to say goodbye to people if anything awful ever happened. I am sure that generations past write letters for their loved ones which they left with lawyers.

I suppose that we are increasingly living our lives online, so it sort of follows that our deaths may well be played out online as well.

This is Common Sense

I don't think it will ever happen that we all live our lives online through blogs and social networks.

However, for those of us who do live our lives online, even slightly, then what we write is inevitably part of our obituary. That is agreeing with the commenters above, but I can make a stronger point - if you have something to say, say it when you are alive, otherwise there is no point. At this moment Churchill does not care what we thought of him, he is dead. Treat each post as though it may be your last one.

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