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Thursday, 10 April 2008


Charles Frith

Fabbo :)

Philip Young

This is good! In fact I have just stolen it for a presentation I am doing next week, thereby making two points - yours, and one about the nature of sharing and collaboration.

Karl Turley

I really like this it very simply describes the complexities of the social networking phenomena that Web 2.0 encapsulates. I think I will also be stealing this!!


Steal with pride! It's a classic, really made me laugh.

Stan Lee

That's genius Amelia. I too shall be using it in a presentation before the month is out.

Jaz Cummins

Haha, vfunny. Anything that means loads of people will be getting lolcats into presentations has got to be good!


simple! you've just nail it!

Aren Grimshaw

Many thanks for making me laugh :)

How succinct and accurate. So how would you describe what to expect with web 3.0? Aren

Aren Grimshaw

Many thanks for making me laugh :)

How succinct and accurate. So how would you describe what to expect with web 3.0? Aren

Antony Mayfield

Brilliant - that about sums it up!


Damn lolcats! On a serious note, the reason I read your blog is to dip a toe into areas I have absolutely no formal knowledge of. I'm on the technical side of information technology, and for me your tech writing is a good indicator of user taste and trends.

As for web 2.0, it's an exciting, but contentious concept. A network engineer or systems analyst might tell you it doesn't exist from a specification point of view, but they will understand what the term means. It's a natural extension of network application usage; the potential for which has always been there. Greater connectiviy (more subscribers) and the subsequent evolution of applications are straightforward enough to identify and plot. Social networking sites are a good example; Facebook and Myspace have seen pretty much the same utilisation that characterised email in the 90's - chain spam, funny pictures and urban myths (many are exactly the same!).

The fun part is figuring out where it is all going!

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