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Friday, 26 September 2008



Hey, thanks for the link and great to see you yesterday.


Nice preso. Am trying to get one of my clients to use NPS as a metric in some digital work we're working on.

We'll see about it...pleased the O2 chaps were so receptive.


hey amelia

great presentation

thought you might find this useful to give some numbers and context


Victor Houghton

I like the presentation - it's similar to something I try and argue to our planners. I always hit a wall of cynicism when discussing the influence of blogs compared to, say, social networks and the bulletin board / forum sites that are mentioned earlier in your presentation. There's the view that bloggers (writers, commenters and readers) are a breed apart from the general population of social networkers and are therefore too focused on single issues to have an influence beyond their interest groups.

Julian Cole

Great preso, thanks for sharing!

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