I have been asked to head up a team at the IPA Fast Strategy session in October.
Very flattering.
Totally terrifying.
Things like this scare me enormously. I am very happy talking at conferences and at public events generally, but the whole "performance planning" really makes my stomach turn with fear.
So I'm doing it. I talk to people a lot about the importance of getting of their comfort zone so this seemed a good occasion to get out of mine.
I pick my own team. It's supposed to be Digital Natives, so I failed the recruitment criteria having been born in 1975 and never having used a computer until I started working back in 1997. Anyhow that aside (and there is an online debate that being a Digital Native is a state of mind not a year of birth, Russell Davies for example - not that I am saying that he's old or anything...) Anyway I have picked people who I think capture what I think are is the essential spirit of digital nativity (is that the right use of that word, not sure?) - Adil who is a Planner/Producer and generally brilliant, I worked with him on Push The Brief so know that I enjoy his style of thinking; Yusuf who started up Staufenberger and I know from Naked days; David Brain who I met through blogging and brings a PR POV to the team and Martin Bailie who is the Planning Director of Glue.
So if you are coming please come and say hello, I'll be the one sweating and shaking somewhere in a corner...
More info here...
Are you saying I'm old or something? :)
Posted by: russell | Wednesday, 17 September 2008 at 11:20 PM
I'll be coming along. Really looking forward to it.
Posted by: Will | Thursday, 18 September 2008 at 09:11 AM
A pre-pitch gin and tonic usually does it for me. Shall I bring one for you?
Posted by: david brain | Thursday, 18 September 2008 at 01:24 PM
Really hoping I can make it! Good luck with preparations
Posted by: Tiffany | Wednesday, 24 September 2008 at 03:47 PM