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Sunday, 22 November 2009



Hi Amelia,

Thanks for the nice mention - very much looking forward to Thursday (although I still haven't finalised my deck...)


Noël Theodosiou

It is pretty ridiculous that there aren't more women at the APG event... Since the economic crisis started, there has been so much written about the need to have a more balanced (and some say explicitly feminine, although that is to be debated) way of thinking and making decisions... check out McKinsey's piece: https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com:443/ghost.aspx?ID=/Leadership_through_the_crisis_and_after_McKinsey_Global_Survey_results_2457?pagenum=4
Perhaps an event called "the BATTLE of BIG thinking" is not exactly geared toward balanced male/female input?! (anyone can decode the testosterone in that title...) To be fair, for those of us who are the slightest bit competitive, conceptual and reflective, the idea of a "thinking battle" sounds fun.
I am working with my friend and colleague, Sarah Farrugia on this subject, because we are similarly frustrated. We have started an initiative called "Candied Thinking - sweet talk about serious issues" to give more opportunities to smart women to get involved in "big thinking" discussions. We'll send you an invite to our next session in the new year - hope you can join us! Noël


I'm going to be talking at the event, although I'm there in the open mic section as one of the under-30 'young big thinkers', not sure how many other women are represented in this section...

Katie Streten

I think you make a good point and we just have to keep making this point at every conference we go to or are speaking at. Yes it might be boring but I have plenty of articulate, interesting female clients and co-workers who have valuable contributions to make and who just don't get asked or invited to put themselves forward.

But you, Sandrine and Katy is better odds than some of the talks I've attended recently so maybe someone is listening!


Thanks for this post.

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