I posted on here earlier this year that I wanted to do a marathon before I (gulp) turn 40 next year.
There was a charity that I decided I wanted to support. It's called Winston's Wish and it helps young children dealing with the death of a parent or sibling. There was a very personal reason for wanting to run for this particular charity. 2 years ago Ben Brooks-Dutton was out on a Sunday afternoon with his wife and son. Totally normal Sunday, nothing out of the ordinary. When a passing car suddenly lost control, mounted the pavement and killed his wife Desreen in front of them. I remember reading about the accident and crying about the thought of how cruel life can be. Then I found out that Desreen was the best friend of one of our great NCT buddies and that Jackson their little boy was at nursery with lots of our friend's children. Ben started blogging (Life as a Widower) as a way to deal with his grief. The blog gained a huge following and was in fact turned into a book It's Not Raining Daddy It's Happy. I asked Ben if any charities had helped him and Jackson and he said that Winston's Wish had been unbelievably brilliant.
I did the Amsterdam Marathon last weekend. And it was really really hard. At one point I contemplated locking myself in the porta-loo. But the thought of the charity made me finish it.
I would love to increase the amount raised.
If you would like to help the Just Giving page is open until the end of 2014.
Many thanks